What to expect
Abortions in NI are permitted after 24 weeks and up to term if:-
· the termination is necessary to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant person
· the continuance of the pregnancy would involve risk to the life of the pregnant person which is greater than if the pregnancy were terminated.
· Severe foetal impairment or fatal foetal abnormality
This must be signed off by two healthcare professionals and you will likely be referred to a foetal medicine department and the offer of more tests if you get a diagnosis of a severe abnormality. Again if any doctor or medical professional refuses to treat you, they are obliged to refer you to someone who will. Travel should not be necessary.
If you believe a Doctor is not treating you within the law or you need extra support during this time - please call our doulas on 07397 902774, we can provide assistance and even recommend legal advice if necessary.
Where abortion services are not yet available in Northern Ireland, you can access free abortion care in Great Britain.
You will not have to pay for travel and accommodation.
To access these services in Great Britain, contact the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) central booking system at 0345 730 4030.
Before having an abortion, you'll have an opportunity to talk about your decision and what happens next.
You may be asked to undergo an ultrasound scan to work out how many weeks pregnant you are.
The length of pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period.
Whenever possible, you will be given a choice of how you would like the abortion to be carried out.
Abortion can either be medical or surgical.
Medical abortion involves taking tablets, usually 24 to 48 hours apart, to end the pregnancy.
Medical abortion is available up to 24 weeks pregnancy.
Medical abortion over 24 weeks pregnancy is only available in limited circumstances, for example if your life is at risk or in cases of severe fetal impairment or fatal fetal abnormality.
Surgical abortion involves a procedure/ operation.
The type of procedure/ operation depends on the stage of the pregnancy.
A regional surgical abortion service is available for pregnancy up to 20 weeks and work is ongoing to fully establish a surgical service for pregnancy more than 20 weeks.