Abortion Utopias
This workshop will use creative methods and socially engaged practice to imagine Abortion Utopias. It aims to kickstart creative thinking around abortion and bodily autonomy and engage participants in creative methods to think through their ideas. We will start by sharing previous projects that use creativity to talk about abortion in different ways, demonstrating the use of film, art, written word, plays and music - then through group and individual exercises, we will invite them to share and develop ideas for the hopeful future of abortion, working towards the idea of an “Abortion Utopia!”.
We will provide a range of creative materials and there will be support for written, photographic and video documentation if people wish to make mini films or photo works. There will also be photo and video documentation of the workshop to provide rich material for further exploration and for the festival’s social media.
It will be open to everyone interested in socially engaged art practice, abortion rights and art activism and we will send invitations to community stakeholders and relevant sector groups that we already have a relationship with